Hi, I’m Brooklynne

 I am an USA born Pottawatomi, neurodivergent, trans woman now living in Te Whanganui-a-Tara in Aotearoa New Zealand. I endeavour to foster a brave space where people can be proudly themselves and explore their identity safely.

My focus is on conversation and sharing my knowledge of the fashion industry, LGBTQIA+ issues, and history. My dedication to my chat and community doesn’t waver whether I’m just chatting, working on a craft, at my sewing machine, or playing games such as Sims4, HouseFlipper, Minecraft, Guild Wars 2, Genshin Impact or Fortnite.

Twitch Analytics

9.4 k

hours watched


hours streamed


average viewers

Instagram Analytics

last 90 days

11 k

accounts reached


accounts engaged



Social Following



Charity work

In August 2022 I raised $240 for the Trans Empowerment Project.

In March 2022 I raised $700.00 for Trans Lifeline in my first charity stream.

Brands I have worked with


I am proudly a New World Creator since it’s launch in 2021.


I worked with Foundations Revealed to create a promotional piece for their 2022 costuming competition.

In 2022 I successfully completed a sponsorship with Raid: Shadow Legends that hit the target goal then exceeded that threefold.

Brands I’d like to work with

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